Category: Data Science

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A Brief History Of Technology Behind ChatGPT

Large Language models have gained huge popularity recently because of text generation and image generation models such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, etc. These models are the results of the history of natural language processing and neural networks. Rule-based systems Let’s start from the 1960s when computers were gaining popularity in various industries and automation sectors. Language models marked their presence in the Computer...


Setting up Apache Hadoop cluster in AWS EC2

Apache Hadoop is a distributed software framework with which we can process large data sets across distributed clusters of computers. Hadoop scales up from a single machine to thousands of machines. Setting up the Apache Hadoop cluster in AWS EC2 is a relatively complicated task. We will follow some simple steps to set up the cluster quickly. There are four main modules in the...

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How to install Jupyter Lab on Ubuntu in 2024

Jupyter offers Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Notebook, both of which are web applications that offer interactive development environments for Python code and data science. This article will show you how to install Jupyter Lab on Ubuntu using either pip or conda. Jupyter Lab vs Jupyter Notebook We have two options to install Jupyter: Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook is a classic Jupyter...

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Setting up WSL2 for data science projects in Windows

Ubuntu is one of the most popular operating systems among programmers, data engineers, and data scientists. For Windows users, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions are available through WSL2, which stands for Windows Subsystem for Linux. We can easily install Ubuntu in WSL2 and set it up quickly to start working on data science projects. This post shows the steps required to set up the...

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Overview of different types of machine learning models

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence in which we build methods and techniques by using statistical models and algorithms so that machines learn about particular data domains. We use machine learning to retrieve insights from patterns in data. In this article, we will explore mainly three types of machine learning models or techniques, which are categorized based on the problems they solve....